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What does Virafibre Brush contain?

The bristles are made from Polypropylene with spikes added to their surface. Virafibre is free from chemicals and nothing is released. This results in zero chemical waste and makes the product safe and clean.


TESTING conducted by BlueTest Laboratories, Glasgow using Vale Brother’s Virafibre polypropylene brush fibres (kbf99) – has concluded that this product meets a modified EN 16777:2018 guideline for effective deactivation of the Coronavirus. ViraFibre® has been tested and shown after 4 brush strokes to effectively eliminate >99% and >99.99% after just 1 minute’s brushing.


Virafibre meets the criteria of being effective against pathogenic microorganisms , including E. Coli in accordance with the standard test for Anti-Microbial Activity ISO 22196:2007 during tests done by Coventry University.

DO NOT CLEAN WITH BLEACH. Products containing bleach break down the Virafibre spikes.

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